Keep gardening! It’s saving your life! You’re watering you! I live in Southern California, US and we’ve been in drought conditions for years and abide by the water rules. We’ve been through “helpful reminder” to “we’ll fine you if you don’t” and even the “report your neighbor” tactics. Gardening Gestapo for sure. We conserved so well in our city they raised our rates and told us they didn’t have enough money to maintain water lines. I believe that’s called a circle jerk. Lol. Our neighbor got fined $900 for watering his lawn 2x a day. Poor decision. Well good news, we’ve had a good rainy season this year in California and lakes have filled back up and the snowpack set records. We’re in pretty good shape for now, and the artichokes, tomatoes, fennel, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, zucchini and cilantro are happy and singing.